215-545-3111 alanatlasdmd@gmail.com

Hands-On Workshops

Good to GREAT

Mastering Posterior Composites

Demonstrating with the Dental Microscope and HD video projection, this hands-on workshop will provide techniques for successful direct posterior Class I and II composite resins and Class V restorations based on the scientific evidence provided in the lecture. Emphasis will be on techniques to eliminate postoperative sensitivity, marginal discoloration and deterioration, all of which are predictors of early failure of adhesive restorations.


  • Describe and demonstrate the restoration of class 1 and 2 direct posterior composites with different materials, and placement techniques utilized and compared
  • Describe and demonstrate the restoration of class 5 composites.
  • Describe step by step preparation techniques with specific diamonds and rationale for perfect finish lines for composite restorations
  • Demonstrate how to get precise and consistent contacts and excellent long term results
  • Utilize finishing and polishing techniques to preserve tooth structure and restoration integrity

Impress with Success!

Prep, Impress and Cement Techniques for Ceramics

Demonstrating with the Dental Microscope and HD video projection, this hands-on workshop will provide protocols for successful treatment planning, preparation and placement of all ceramic and CAD-CAM restorations based on the scientific evidence provided in the lecture. Emphasis will be on techniques to improve esthetics and function for long term success. Each participant will prepare an anterior and posterior crown and a veneer, utilize an intra-oral scanner to capture their preparations, impress using an innovative delivery system and cement a ceramic restoration with varying techniques.


  • Demonstrate and understand when to implement intra-oral digital and conventional impression techniques for ceramic and CAD-CAM restorations
  • Utilize step by step preparation techniques on a dentoform model utilizing specific diamonds and technique for precise margins for high strength ceramic restorations including veneers
  • Utilize intra-oral scanning and conventional impression techniques with your preparations done on the dentoform model, as well as cementation protocols for ceramic and CAD-CAM restorations
  • Describe how precise crown preparation for CAD-CAM restorations is critical for success and how the Dental Microscope can improve outcomes with chairside scanning and milling technologies
  • Describe rational treatment planning concepts for indirect esthetic restorations based on scientific evidence and integration of new technologies

Save The Tooth!

Simplified Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth

Utilizing the Dental Microscope and HD video projection, this hands-on workshop will cover the spectrum of treatment options for the restoration of the endodontically treated tooth. The participant will learn to assess the remaining tooth structure and then apply sound biomechanical principles to select the most appropriate treatment option. This workshop will use manikin teeth to give the participant hands-on experience with a variety of currently available direct and indirect post and cementation systems as well as adhesives and core materials required for long term successful outcomes.


  • Utilize step-by-step techniques for post space preparation and radicular dentin bonding for luting posts and placement of composite core build-up materials
  • Utilize protocols for post selection, post placement and tooth preparation for the endodontically treated tooth

Precision and Preservation

Achieving Exquisite Restorative Dentistry Using the Dental Microscope

This workshop will enable all clinicians to integrate microscopy into their operatory immediately. Training on a dentoform to prepare anterior and posterior teeth for crowns, veneers and basic restorations will offer compelling evidence that utilization of the Dental Microscope will enable the dental practitioner to achieve improved clinical outcomes in all phases of restorative dentistry


  • Learn the principles of dental microscopy including calibration, patient and mirror positioning for restorative dentistry
  • Describe how to integrate the Dental Microscope with loupes for both endodontic and restorative treatment
  • Describe how precise crown preparation for CAD-CAM restorations is critical for success and how the Dental Microscope can improve outcomes with chairside scanning and milling technologies
  • Describe how using the Dental Microscope will improve ergonomics and increase the ability to practice longer and more comfortably
  • Demonstrate how the Dental Microscope enhances the ability to perform complete patient examinations and adhesive procedures from basic restorations to cementation of ceramic restorations