215-545-3111 alanatlasdmd@gmail.com

Lecture Descriptions

Faster Is Better!

Connecting Endodontics, Restorative and CAD-CAM for Optimal Patient Care and Productivity


This comprehensive and interactive multi-level course will demonstrate an innovative step-by-step treatment protocol that significantly reduces workflow time and integrates current endodontic, adhesive and restorative materials with digital technologies to potentially create the most profitable single visit in dentistry.  The first part of the lecture walks through each step of root canal therapy – with each building on the success of the previous phase. The second part of the lecture will introduce Innovative protocols for post and/or core placement, tooth preparation and cementation that will enable same visit digital scanning and milling and final placement of the ceramic crown.  Alternatively, if scanning and milling is not attainable, the practitioner will also be able to achieve a reduction in patient visits using conventional impression methods.   Each participant would learn techniques for clinical success at every step needed to take the patient out of pain, restoring function and esthetics to the tooth and obtaining greater profitability and success.


  1. Understand the full scope of endodontic and restorative diagnostic risk factors necessary to treatment plan tooth preservation or tooth removal
  2. Understand the core concepts and protocols for endodontic therapy from access, instrumentation and irrigation to obturation
  3. Understand the when, why and how strategies to simplify placement of posts and core materials
  4. Implement innovative and reduced workflows for integrating endodontic therapy with chairside scanning and milling

Factors Affecting Outcomes of CAD-CAM Restorations and Concepts for Clinical Success.


The rapid rise of digital technologies and ability to fabricate computer-aided design and computer-aided manufactured (CAD-CAM) crowns is transforming the dental profession dramatically.  However, it is clear from the scientific evidence, the ability to deliver a long-term successful restoration is dependent upon many factors not experienced in the traditional fabrication methods.  Furthermore, tooth preparation technique may be the critical component in the digital workflow for CAD-CAM crown fabrication.  Solutions will be presented utilizing clinical techniques and protocols to achieve precision accuracy required for scanning and milling success.  This also includes treatment planning material selection based on milling and crystallization compromises, when it’s best to use intra-oral scanners versus conventional impressions, utilizing electric handpieces over air-driven turbines, implementing the correct sequence of diamond shape and grit and understanding the impact of restorative microscopy for the ultimate precision treatment outcome.


  1. Describe what factors affect outcomes for CAD-CAM restorations
  2. Demonstrate step by step preparation techniques with the Dental Microscope HD video using specific diamonds for perfect finish lines for all ceramic crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays
  3. Describe treatment planning options for anterior and posterior CAD-CAM restorations based on scientific evidence about which materials works best long term
  4. Describe scientific evidence when it’s best to use intra-oral scanners versus conventional impressions

Good to Great

Mastering Adhesion and Posterior Composites


There are key fundamental concepts that will determine the long-term favorable outcome of direct composite resin restorations. This course will provide a current scientific update of adhesive systems and direct esthetic materials with indication of which systems and composite materials to utilize for specific cavity preparations. Evidenced-based step-by-step protocols for preparation, placement and finishing techniques to achieve precise margins, consistent contacts and eliminate post-operative sensitivity will be demonstrated with the Dental Microscope HD Video.


  1. Describe the optimal adhesives and materials for
    specific cavity preparations
  2. Utilize simplified protocols for preparation, placement and finishing
  3. Achieve precise margins, consistent contacts and
    eliminate post operative sensitivity
  4. Utilize CaMBRA and other risk assessment tools to extend survival of adhesive restorations

Impress with Success!

Prep, Impress and Cement Techniques for Ceramics


This course will demonstrate concise step-by-step treatment planning guidelines that fulfill esthetic demands and integrates current restorative materials with digital technology as well as conventional clinical protocols. Procedures and techniques for esthetic and functional success with high strength ceramics and CAD/CAM technology will be reviewed and demonstrated with the Dental Microscope HD Video, based on the most current scientific evidence, to assess what factors most influence clinical outcomes for ceramic crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers.


  1. Demonstrate clinical protocols for anterior and posterior ceramic based restorations from preparation to cementation.
  2. Demonstrate step by step preparation techniques with the Dental Microscope HD video using specific diamonds for perfect finish lines for all ceramic crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays
  3. Describe innovative ceramic options for crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers
  4. Describe scientific and clinical differences between intra-oral scanning/chairside milling versus conventional impressions and lab directed scanning and milling
  5. Describe better communication skills to encourage patients to better oral health and acceptance of elective dental procedures
  6. Utilize simple and predictable smile design methods for proper treatment planning of esthetic anterior restorations including veneers and full mouth reconstruction.

Save the Tooth!

Reconstruction of Compromised Teeth from Endodontics to Final Restoration


This course will cover the spectrum of treatment options for the restoration of the compromised tooth. Participants will learn comprehensive risk assessment criteria necessary to determine the clinical requirements for successful tooth preservation. Step-by-step protocols for post selection, post and core placement, and tooth preparation will be demonstrated.


  1. Define essential restorative diagnostic criteria for treatment planning preservation of the compromised tooth versus extraction and implant options
  2. Understand the when, why and how strategies to simplify placement of posts and core materials and preparation of compromised teeth
  3. Implement innovative and reduced workflows for integrating endodontic therapy with chairside scanning and milling

Focusing On the Details!

Factors Affecting Direct and Indirect Restorations and Solutions for Better Outcomes Using the Dental Microscope


With the advent of CAD-CAM technology precision crown preparation is critical for success. This visual presentation utilizing HD Video projection with a dental microscope will offer compelling scientific evidence that the Dental Microscope will enable the dental practitioner to achieve improved clinical outcomes in all phases of restorative dentistry. Step by step preparation techniques will be demonstrated with the Dental Microscope using specific diamonds for perfect finish lines for all ceramic crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays and direct composite restorations

Evening, Half-day, Full day with hands-on workshop


  1. Develop mirror and direct vision skills in the maxillary anterior and posterior teeth under increasing magnification using both loupes and the dental microscope.
  2. Describe how to integrate the Dental Microscope for both endodontic and restorative treatment
  3. Describe how precise crown preparation for CAD-CAM restorations is critical for success and how the Dental Microscope can improve outcomes with chairside scanning and milling technologies
  4. Understand preparation design and diamond sequence for veneer and crown preparation.
  5. Describe how using the Dental Microscope will improve ergonomics and increase the ability to practice longer and more comfortably
  6. Demonstrate how the Dental Microscope enhances the ability to perform adhesive procedures from basic restorations to cementation of ceramic restorations